Friday, October 1, 2010

Rubber Chickens, Mission Control, and NASA TV!

On Monday I hosted Camilla.  Camilla is a rubber chicken from the Solar Dynamics Observatory.  She is kind of like a Flat Stanley, she is passed around different space centers and learns about a day in the life of NASA employees.  I was fortunate enough to take her around for a day. Check out her blog to find out more!

This morning I also got to train with Flight Director Ed Van Cise.  To put it simply, it was amazing.  I got to sit in Mission Control and plug my headset into the flight director loop and be a part of everything going on.  I'll go into more detail later, but here are a couple pics!

The last pic is a screen shot from NASA TV! Poor quality, but I was just excited to be on TV! I'm the only one wearing red, so I should be easy to spot!